"Al Kol Eleh" - "For all these things": Thoughts on Israel's 70th birthday
In honor of Israel's 70th Yom Ha-Atzma'ut this week, the organization Koolulam released this video of 12,000 Israelis singing together. In a stadium in Tel Aviv, they learned and performed the vocal parts for the classic song "Al Kol Eleh," "For all these things." If you haven't seen the video yet, you might want to pause to do so before reading the rest of what I have written about it. In 1980, to comfort her sister Ruth on the loss of her husband, the Israeli songwriter Naomi Shemer dedicated a song to her sister called “ Al Kol Eleh ” - “For all these things.” It has become one of the most popular songs of contemporary Israel. Like many iconic songs, many regard it as hackneyed and cliched. But there’s a reason why it became such a popular song. It reflects powerfully deep wisdom. The opening words of this song, ‘ Al hadvash ve-al ha-oketz, al ha-mar ve-hamatok ,’ ‘For the honey and the sting, for the bitt...