Prayer at Hoboken's vigil in memory of those murdered in Orlando
My closing prayer at the Hoboken vigil on Wednesday evening June 15, in memory of those murdered in Orlando: I invite you to join me in praying to the Source of Life. Our various communities know you by many different names, but on this we agreed: we learned from You to treasure life. We learned from You that to take a life is like destroying the entire world, and to save a life is like saving the entire world. Dear God, Our heart breaks for 49 precious lives cut short because of who they were and who they loved. Where they gathered was supposed to be their safe space. In their memories, help us to make a safe world. Help us to make a safe world for our brothers and sisters who are gay and lesbian and bisexual and transgender, who so often are targets of hatred and oppression and violence, so many of whom feel unsafe even in the best of times, let alone today. Help us to make a safe world for our brothers and sisters in this country who yearn simply to live their lives, t...