The Anti-Ashamnu (To be sung to the tune of "Ashamnu")
The Anti-Ashamnu (To be sung to the tune of "Ashamnu") ai ai ai ai ai ai ai …..... Not my fault It wasn’t me It wasn’t so bad He deserved it ai ai ai ai ai ai ai …..... Everyone was doing it It didn’t hurt anybody Get over it already You’re too sensitive ai ai ai ai ai ai ai …..... It’s just the way I am Nobody’s perfect I had to I needed to I couldn’t pass it up Think of everything really good that I do I had the best of intentions It’s not nearly as bad as what a lot of other people get away with every day ai ai ai ai ai ai ai …..... Just look at it from my perspective Think of everything I’ve gone through I never claimed to be a saint Why won’t you Forgive me already? (note to the perplexed: "Ashamnu" ( mp3 ) is an alphabetical confessional prayer for Yom Kippur, in which we declare, "We are guilty, We have betrayed; We have stolen; We have spoken maliciously; etc. etc. etc." - one declaration of guilt...