Pesach resources
Here are some Pesach resources for people participating in the "Spicing Up your Seder" conference call on Tues March 23. Ron Wolfson's article "Ten Tips for a Great Seder" is a classic and a succinct way to present great seder suggestions. has downloadable haggadot - all for free - making it easy to customize your own haggadah. The site also has a tremendous number of stories, songs, readings, etc. Some more great free downloadable haggadot are: Alex Weinberg's child-friendly Haggadah The Haggadah of Valley Beth Shalom Synagogue in California , edited by Rabbis Ed Feinstein and Harold Schulweis If you want to do the game of putting the steps of the seder in order, you can download a large-size version here Rabbi Scheinberg's Seder songs CD and the words (including songs at the end of the seder in Yiddish and Ladino) Lots of sound clips of Echad Mi Yodea from around the Jewish world, in Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Ital...